Tungsten Copper Dart Shaft

Tungsten copper dart shafts are a vital piece of your dart playing equipment which will probably need replacing more often than you would want.
Darts shafts have, like the rest of the dart, gone through much change as technology has advanced. They are now made from acetal co-polymer. This durable but pliable plastic decreases the incidence of darts breaking, as well as providing balance in the dart which helps it to feel comfortable in the player's hand. As with most sports equipment, it is possible to spend a lot of money on advanced darts shafts, but the majority of players just need something in the middle range which will perform well without being prohibitively expensive. You can choose from a quite a wide range of technically sound and good value darts shafts.
As we know there is no best shaft to use, if you are a watcher of tungsten copper dart and new to the game you will notice all darters will have their own preference in shaft length and type, plastic, metal nylon.
When choosing a dart, it is best to try it first. As there are not many dedicated dart shops around it isn’t always possible to throw them in the store at a practice board. But if you know anyone that plays asked if they will allow you to have a throw of their darts, this way you are more likely to find a weight that suits you. Choosing a shaft and flight to go with the dart can be as equally as difficult as choosing a dart.
Short shafts tend to move the centre of gravity of the dart towards the front end of the barrel. For good throwing most dart throwers hold their darts at this point so if you hold your darts at the front end of the barrel the short shafts might be best suited to your throw. Long shaft will effectively move the centre of gravity of the dart towards the back, so if you throw your darts holding them at the back of the dart a long shaft my suit you better than short shafts.
Although it was believed that best darts thrown were thrown in a smooth arc fashion to the board and with a naked eye that appears to be the case, recent slow motion television coverage show that darts actually wiggle in flight. I.e. they dip straighten and sometimes dip again before hitting the board. This is natural and everyone’s throw is different.
Shafts can be made from several different materials, if you use aluminium shafts it is always best to add a rubber washer to the threaded end to prevent the shaft undoing while in use. Plastic shafts don’t require washers, but if you are playing on a floor with a hard surface beware, should you be unfortunate to have a bounce out hard surfaces can break shafts leaving the screwed end firmly in the barrel of the dart. Nylon shaft are less likely to break in this way.